icon Categorize

Efficient and accurate data categorization designed for financial services

Provide your users with a seamless, centralized, and data-driven financial experience.
Elevate your app to become the ultimate destination for financial insights and services.

New services for end users

Our advanced categorization algorithms enable the delivery of innovative and personalized financial services, catering to the unique needs of each end user.


Stronger customer engagement

Providing a centralized view and insights on spending patterns and financial habits boosts customer engagement and loyalty.

A go-to destination for financial insights and organized data in one place

Elevate your app’s status to become your customers’ ultimate financial command center.

Discover Categorize

Data collection and cleansing
Data transformation and classification
Analysis and interpretation

Classify raw banking data and access information that is easy to interpret.

  • 95% accuracy above market on average
  • Trained with millions of movements and constantly evolving
  • 115 Categories to classify bank statements
  • Ad-hoc filters filter according to your needs

How users connect their accounts to your apps.

We ensure all user accounts are easy to connect and always available.

Webview link URL


Security & consent

We take your users by the hand by building trust and making sure they give their consent with confidence.


Selecting institutions

Users quickly find the right institution: we highlight popular ones and provide a blazing-fast search experience.



Users can securely enter their login & password directly into Powens webview without the need for redirection.


Account selection

Users can select just the bank accounts they wish to share, making our consent flow fully GDPR-compliant.


That’s it

The user is redirected to your app or website, and transactions, balances, and detailed portfolios are instantly retrieved.

Powens console

User-friendly configuration of your domains, client applications, webhooks, and connectors. Complete monitoring of connection statuses.

Create an account and let us guide you
Setup a free sandbox in just a few clicks and use the wizard to easily test our API with real-life scenarios.
Adapt the user flow to maximize success rates. Choose the capabilities and banks to activate.
Check bank sync usage and keep an eye on health status reports.
Visualize key metrics & trends to optimize your Open Finance experience (amounts, users, conversion rates...).

Powens by the numbers

API Calls
Prefooter background

Ready to simplify your data categorization process?

Explore our developer resources, including a test environment