
Compliance & Onboarding

Verify customer identity and financial data instantly


Streamlined onboarding and enhanced compliance with Open Finance

Efficiently verifying customer identity and financial data is a fundamental requirement for businesses in various industries, including banking, fintech, insurance, and more.

Our cutting-edge platform automates crucial compliance and onboarding tasks, streamlining processes for financial institutions. It provides essential bank identity information, ensuring reliability, security, and enhanced customer experience.

Key bank identity and personal identification

Instant Verification

By leveraging Open Finance, you can access and authenticate information from multiple reliable sources instantly. This eliminates the need for customers to submit physical documents or wait for lengthy verification processes.

Enhanced Compliance

Our platform helps you automate compliance verifications, such as Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML). We reduce the risk of human error and enhance compliance adherence.

Seamless Onboarding Experience

Quickly onboard new clients, enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing dropout rates. With our platform, you can eliminate lengthy paperwork and accelerates processes.

Prefooter background

Interested in seeing how we can help your business thrive in the fast-paced world of compliance and onboarding?

Explore our developer resources, including a test environment